Occasion to remember as Athlone Boat Club officially opens modern riverside clubhouse

Members of Athlone Boat Club pictured at their recent launch in conjunction with the Midlands Branch of the Irish Guide Dogs.

Members of Athlone Boat Club pictured at their recent launch in conjunction with the Midlands Branch of the Irish Guide Dogs.

Steeped in history and positioned on the banks of the River Shannon sits a club that has grown through time since its foundation in 1837 reports club captain Nick Friel.

A day that will live long in the memory of all Athlone Boat Club members saw the opening of a new clubhouse for this sporting club, the occasion graced by past and present club members, invited guests, sponsors and the wider rowing community, all supported by the town of Athlone.

After decades of planning, committee room meetings and development teams putting in long hours of hard work, Athlone Boat Club finally and officially opened its doors. The entire membership was delighted to welcome Rowing Ireland’s back to back World and European Champion and Olympian, Sanita Puspure, to officially cut the ribbon on the day. The time that Sanita gave to the club’s membership, most especially junior teams, will live with them for a long time.

The weather reflected the positive mood of the day and one might say the child of Prague was a club member of Athlone Boat Club as the sun shone for the entire occasion. The club’s President, Paul Donovan, his supporting committee and coaching team were delighted to welcome all that travelled from far and wide to be part of this historical piece of history for the club. To feel the energy and see the emotion from those that had waited years to see this day was moving. Both young and old shared an occasion that will be talked about in the clubhouse for many years to come.

Recognising years of commitment to committee and board members, Paul Gallen and Eamon Fahy, were welcomed and acknowledged by all, which was truly deserved for the endless hours of painstaking work both have given to the club. Both of these gentlemen will be spoken about for decades to come on their commitment and dedication to Athlone Boat Club.

Rowing Ireland’s President, Neville Maxwell, applauded the work that had been done by all involved in delivering such an exceptional facility to the community of rowing in the Midlands, and shared what he witnessed as a club at regattas where Athlone Boat Club members race hard but equally have lots of fun. Complimenting the success of Athlone Boat club on the national and international stage, Neville noted that the club was a credit to all involved and looked forward to seeing the next part of our journey.

Westmeath County Council Cathaoirleach, Cllr Aengus O’Rourke, paid tribute to the vision of those involved in taking Athlone Boat Club to another level with the delivery of an exceptional building that he sees each day as he passes in the car and committed to proposing to the Council, a civic event to celebrate all that Athlone Boat Club offers to the town of Athlone, a rewarding occasion that yet again places the sport of rowing in the limelight within Athlone.

The club eagerly anticipates the arrival of 2037 where it will then celebrate 200 years of rowing in Athlone.


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