Local hospital donates kidney dialysis machines for humanitarian aid

Pictured at the Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore are Senior Clinical Engineering Technicians Seamus McDonald and Michael Cox

Pictured at the Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore are Senior Clinical Engineering Technicians Seamus McDonald and Michael Cox

The Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore has donated thirty-five kidney dialysis machines for humanitarian aid to Turkey following recent earthquakes.

The donation including machines, all consumables and spare parts are being delivered as part of a coordinated response from the HSE Global Health Programme, Strategy and Research group. The machines, while nearing end of life, can still be put to good use by those in need.

“The Hospital has an ongoing medical device equipment replacement programme in line with manufacturers and HSE requirements and guidelines. The machines that are being donated have been in use within the Renal Dialysis departments for the last 10 years and have been fully maintained to a very high standard by the Clinical Engineering Technicians. It is good to know that they will continue to treat acute patients requiring dialysis,” John Adlington, Principal Clinical Engineering Technician at the Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore, stated.

This is not the first time the hospital has donated equipment to improve global health.

“In 2022, any medical device equipment that was no longer supported by the manufacturer but was in good working order was donated to the Equals Initiative which is an Irish based collaboration between Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and the HSE that co-ordinates the distribution of donated equipment to Zambia,2 John continued.

“The Hospital is delighted to be able to support this important humanitarian aid initiative and bridge the gap for those working in hospitals in Turkey under difficult circumstances treating those most in need. I would like to acknowledge the work of our Clinical Engineering team for driving this worthwhile initiative,” Catriona McDonald, General Manager, MRHT, added.


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