Incorrectly delayed Monksland postal deliveries must be rectified - Naughten

The issue of incorrectly delayed postal deliveries in the Monksland and South Roscommon area due to use of County Roscommon addresses has been highlighted by Cllr John Naughten.

Cllr Naughten pointed out that many people are receiving deliveries that have been marked as delayed by An Post due to containing the address Athlone, Co Roscommon, with An Post incorrectly stating the address should read Athlone, Co Westmeath.

“Residents are being informed that their post has been delayed because they used a County Roscommon address when clearly those living in Monksland do live in Roscommon and not Westmeath. This is causing a lot of annoyance and frustration for residents throughout the area.

“This is something that also previously occurred, and the issue was eventually rectified. However, it is now occurring again and causing unnecessary delays in post,” Cllr Naughten explained.

Cllr. Naughten is proposing that Roscommon County Council write to the Chief Executive of An Post asking that he directly intervene and put an end to the delays being experienced.


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