Ensure your business is your customer - make it a priority

LEO Westmeath helping you to future proof your business

Local Enterprise Office Westmeath recently hosted a hugely successful business seminar in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Athlone.

This fully attended seminar saw a return to their in-person events and showcased all supports available from LEO Westmeath and many exhibiting support agencies i.e., Intreo and Employment Services, Micro Finance Ireland, Department of Life Long Learning / TUS, Westmeath Community Development, Athlone Chamber of Commerce, Employability Midlands, Fáilte Ireland, Intertrade Ireland and LEAN Digital, Green & Normal.

The theme of the event, ‘Future-proofing Your Business’ was to the forefront with all speakers on the day. These included Christine Charlton, Head of Enterprise, Gerry Duffy, renowned motivation speaker, and a panel of four local businesses sharing the challenges they have overcome, particularly in recent years.

“Businesses are like flowers – they are either growing or dying. If you have no plan for your week, then your week has no plan for you,” keynote speaker, Gerry Duffy, said.

Four local businesses shared learning experiences through panel discussion lead by MC, Ronan Berry, Midlands Radio and General Manager at Polar Ice Ltd.

The importance of time management, planning, goal setting, intuition, and fitting your business culture when employing staff, were advice readily shared with attendees by guest speakers Rosie Greene from Spectrum Signs, Richard Marles from Park Life Pet, Luke Dully from Walker & Hunt and Tanya Cannon from A1 Cleaning.

The ongoing support of LEO Westmeath for them and their respective companies was readily acknowledged.

“We are here to support you and your business as much as possible. Business Information and Advice, LEO Financial Assistance & Supports, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Economic Development and Mentoring are just some of the many services provided by us here in LEO Westmeath. So come and talk to us,” Christine Charlton, Head of Enterprise, remarked.


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