Dolan welcomes formal appointment of Portlick amenity consultants

Local Fine Gael Councilor, John Dolan, has welcomed the formal appointment of consultants to prepare a conservation management plan for Portlick.

“I have been continuously requesting progress in the development of the wonderful facilities at Portlick for some time now and we established a volunteer committee in this regard a couple of years ago.

“We in the Athlone area are so lucky to have such a precious and natural area for walking and for riding horses, but we need to enhance the Portlick amenity and avail of the many funding opportunities available for its development.

“I am delighted to report that Westmeath Council has recently appointed Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants to prepare a conservation management plan for the publicly owned lands in Portlick. This study will take the majority of the year, but it is important to have this work completed so Portlick can be progressed and enhanced. When this report is being completed it is important that a plan is developed in conjunction with the stakeholders to agree on what works needs to be conducted.

“I want to thank all the people involved in maintaining Portlick to the forefront in our county and also express my gratitude to District Manager, Jackie Finney, for all her engagement and help in progressing the issue this stage. I look forward to engaging with the consultants in the months ahead,” Cllr Dolan asserted.


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