Simon Community report highlights stark decline in number of affordable properties

The Simon Communities of Ireland’s quarterly Locked Out report shows yet another stark decline in the availability of affordable properties to rent by people reliant on Housing Assistance Payment (HAP ) Scheme.

There were only 80 properties available under a standard or discretionary limit in at least one of the four categories. This represented a decrease of 46 percent on the 148 properties which were available within at least one HAP category in the December 2021 study and a drastic 92 percent less than the 906 available in June 2021.

Across all the areas surveyed, there were only 737 unique properties available to rent at any price within the 16 study areas over the three dates surveyed. This represented a decrease of 45 percent from the 1,349 properties available to rent in the December 2021 Locked Out report.

The Locked Out report examines the experience of people on a low income and dependent on Housing Assistance Payment (HAP ) to access housing in the private rental market. It also looks at the availability of homes to rent over a three-day period in March 2022. The report considers the availability of properties within both the standard and discretionary HAP limits in 16 areas around the country for four household categories: single person, couple, couple/one parent and one child and couple/one parent and two children.

The Simon Community noted the properties that could be available to rent if the discretionary rate was increased to 50 percent in all Local Authorities. This led to an additional 35 properties available across the four household types. This is significant given the severe lack of HAP affordable properties outside the capital.

This Locked Out study found no properties available to rent in any household category within standard or discretionary HAP limits in 10 of the 16 study areas, including Athlone.

There was only one property in this study affordable for single people under standard HAP rates. This was in Galway City Suburbs. This same property was also the only property available for a couple within standard HAP limits.


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