Local Sinn Fein Deputy expresses spiralling cost of living constituency concerns

Local Sinn Féin Deputy Sorca Clarke has asked Fianna Fáil’s Dáil Éireann representatives whether they agree with a recent statement from the Minister of State at the Department of Finance, Séan Fleming, which called on the general public to stop complaining about the rising cost of living.

Teachta Clarke said that the comments were deeply offensive, as workers and families struggle with the increasing costs of heating their home and getting to work every day.

“At a time when workers and families are dreading their winter energy bills coming through the door and when government are proposing to increase the cost of fuel further by ploughing ahead with an increase in Carbon Taxes, these comments from a Fianna Fáil Minister are a further illustration of how out of touch this government is.

“People’s quality of life and their ability to plan for their future are really suffering. They have every right to complain about an out of touch government that is unwilling or unable to bring forward measures to tackle an out of control cost of living.

“There is a pattern of inaction from the government on the bread and butter issues.

“They have done nothing for hard-pressed renters. Their big answer to extortionate childcare fees was to cap them at their current unaffordable level.

“Now, the government is happy to sit on his hands while families are further ripped-off for the basic necessity of lighting and heating their homes with nothing more to offer than advice to ‘shop around’.

“I am calling on all Fianna Fáil Dáil Éireann representatives in this constituency to state whether they agree with Seán Fleming’s comments and if their advice to our constituents is to simply stop ‘complaining’,” Teachta Clarke asserted.


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