OxyGeneration offering world renowned treatment for sports injuries

Hyperbaric oxygenation is a recommended treatment for sports injuries and is covered by both the GAA and Schools Injury Insurance.

OxyGeneration is a private hyperbaric oxygenation clinic based in Galway city.

Brian Lynch, a solicitor practicing in Galway, was inspired to open OxyGeneration after personally experiencing the benefits of hyperbaric oxygenation. He had a serious sports accident a number of years ago and wanted to do everything possible to maximise his chances of complete recovery.

He came across hyperbaric oxygenation and attended 57 sessions at the chamber in Dublin, discovering that surgeons and physiotherapists at the Sports Surgery Clinic had been referring GAA and rugby players for years to help speed up their recovery from surgery and tissue injuries.

After witnessing the benefits at first-hand he was motivated to open OxyGeneration in Galway to make hyperbaric oxygenation available.

Hyperbaric oxygenation also fights infection, reduces inflammation and by healing injured tissue reduces pain and works with your body to help it heal itself. Once known, players opt for OxyGeneration as part of their recovery plan as it reduces the need for opioids, steroids, and other anti-inflammatory drugs post-surgery.

Treatment with hyperbaric oxygenation for both old and new injuries are covered by the GAA Injury Benefit Fund. A doctor’s referral is required. It is used alongside physiotherapy and other treatments to help an injury recovery.

Next week, more information on why the GAA are to change concussion guidelines to include hyperbaric oxygenation.

For further information, please visit www.oxygeneration.com


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