Irish Water commence vital works to install new cast iron mains in Arcadia

Securing the water supply in Athlone remains a vital focus for Irish Water with works having recently commenced in the Arcadia area of the town this week.

Working in partnership with Westmeath County Council, Irish Water will replace almost 500 metres of old cast iron water mains in Arcadia Heights and Arcadia Crescent with new, modern pipes which will reduce the number of bursts and water outages impacting customers.

The works will also involve laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers’ property boundaries and connecting it to the customer’s water supply.

To minimise the impact on customers, areas of work will be limited to short sections. To facilitate the safe delivery of these works some traffic management may be necessary, however, local and emergency access will be maintained.

The works may involve some short-term supply disruptions which we understand may cause inconvenience. The project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any planned water interruptions. Irish Water and Westmeath County Council regret any inconvenience these improvement works may cause.

“Irish Water acknowledges the ongoing co-operation and patience of local residents and businesses in Athlone while we continue to deliver these vital water network improvement works to improve the water supply. The size and scale of the leakage challenge nationally is well documented. These essential works together with the leakage savings and upgrade works to date will safeguard the water supply in Athlone now and into the future, and will also support future growth and development,” Matt Thomson, Leakage Reduction Programme Regional Lead with Irish Water, said.

The works will be carried out on behalf of Irish Water by GMC Utilities Ltd. and are expected to be completed in February.

As a result of leakage reduction works and through the close partnership between Irish Water and Westmeath County Council, over five million litres of water has been saved daily across Athlone.


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