Close vote expected as Westmeath County Council meets to fill seat

One seat, two confirmed candidates - on Monday next, former Minister of State, Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran or Paul Hogan, who served the role of Councillor from 2004 to 2019, will fill the void created by the departure of outgoing Independent Councillor, Jamie Moran.

Three further candidates for the vacant council seat had emerged in recent days, but did not receive the necessary six votes support to feature on the ballot paper which will be presented before the sitting Councillors on Monday afternoon.

Athlone Community College secondary school teacher, Sarah Seoige, who was supported in her quest for the vacant seat by Westmeath County Council Cathaoirleach, Cllr Frankie Keena, was shy of the necessary target to progress to this Monday’s all important vote.

Prior to her exclusion from the council seat candidacy, Ms Seoige cited education and biodversity as two issues which would receive due attention should she be successful in her local authority ambitions.

The secondary school teacher expressed her disappointment with the scant number of females present in politics at both local and national levels as she expressed her gratitude to the Cathaoirleach for his support.

“I must say that I have enjoyed the process and the competitive nature of seeking this seat immensely. I must admit that this was a great learning curve for me and while I am out of the race at this point, it has certainly opened my eyes to the circle of politics.

The real learning that has emerged from all of this, in my own personal opinion, is that, while there is so much talk around the discussion of gender balance and the need for more female representatives within politics, this co-option ultimately depicts the reality of the situation, whereby, there was just no room for a new ‘female’ representative around this table on this occasion.

“I firmly believe that females still experience many barriers when it comes to politics and until new faces, new ideas and equal gender balance is embraced around the many political tables then the stagnancy and the same old strategies will continue to dominate our political system.

“All I can say at this point is that, there were five candidates seeking this one seat and so, while I am no longer in this particular race, I can assure you that this is not the final race. I will be back to run the many exciting and challenging races that are yet to come and I’m really looking forward to running in those future races. As the Irish seanfhocal says, ‘Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach’.

“As one final note, may I take this opportunity to wish Mr. Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran and Mr. Paul Hogan the very best of luck in the run up to this Co-Option. May the best man win,” Ms Seoige asserted.

Athlone Community Radio Manager, Irena Djak Cvetkovic, who was also a former councillor in her native Serbia, also failed to secure sufficient support to enable her name grace the ballot paper on Monday afternoon next, receiving two nominations towards her local authority cause.

Speaking following the confirmed news, Ms Cvetkovic, stated that she was approached by Green Party Councillor, Louise Heavin, in the hope of creating change and diversity in the council.

“Cllr Heavin was of the view that my decade involvement in the locality as a Manager of Athlone Community Radio and also as a migrant woman would be a catalyst for such change.

“Although aware that the chances were slim I put my name forward to show that Athlone has more to offer. I hope that I will open the door for more women candidates and people with foreign background to be part of the local election.

“However, I myself won’t be running in the local election in 2024. I wish good luck to nominated candidates,” Ms Cvetkovic remarked.

The third candidate, John Tynan, of Athlone Access Awareness, was also eliminated from the ballot paper race, when he did not secure any formal nomination from the existing Councillors.

So, a return to the political arena now awaits Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran or Paul Hogan - the council chamber seat to be filled following an open vote amongst the sitting Councillors when the monthly local authority meeting convenes on Monday afternoon.


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