Call for ‘Going for Growth and Continuing Momentum’ programme applications

Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist, and specialist pelvic, women’s and men’s health physiotherapist is of the view that today’s healthcare environment requires strategic thinking and modern businesses approaches - such approaches were very evident in the business programmes which Aoife completed during in 2020 and in 2021.

'Going for Growth and Continuing the Momentum' are two business programs for women, which are support by KPMG and Enterprise Ireland, and that are delivered with excellence, free of charge, by programme director, Ms Paula Fitzsimons, from Fitzsimons Consulting. Applications are now open for these programmes, but Aoife’s advises applying immediately, as the closing date, December 16, is fast approaching!

Aoife had the most wonderful opportunity as a participant in 2021, to have the globally renowned, Ms Breege O’Donohue, as her lead entrepreneur. Deep dives of each company took place, exploring business tools such as the Business Score Card, PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis to optimise fine the tuning of company goals and milestones to drive forward each business for growth.

Each 'Going for Growth and Continuing the Momentum', monthly meeting has an agenda, and each programme participant gives feedback to the peer group of businesswomen and the lead entrepreneur. All that is discussed at the meetings is confidential.

The businesswomen find that though their industries are quite different from each other, many encountered similar problems, such as staffing, identifying growth pathways, and scaling up the businesses. Attending the monthly meeting allowed Aoife to take her physiotherapist’s hand, off the patient, and focus instead on the bigger picture of analysing the business in its entirety.

Aoife’s pelvic physiotherapy company, IPPM has grown its turnover, it has created jobs and it has allowed Aoife to show great innovation in developing new digital therapeutic products and to be set up for scaling globally in 2022. Little did Aoife think two years ago that she would be exhibiting her on-line pelvic floor muscle training solution for incontinence for men and women, Home Pelvic Routines, at the Future of Health Summit in the RDS!

Aoife also is regularly invited on national media to talk about her speciality of pelvic floor physiotherapy and is becoming a household name as the pelvic expert physiotherapist in Ireland and the UK. Aoife acknowledges the increase in herself confidence and the opportunities afforded to her, by being a participant of 'Going for Growth and Continuing the Momentum' and from the kind and generous help given to her by Ms Breege O Donohue and Ms Paula Fitzsimons.

To apply for Going for Growth or Continuing the Momentum please apply at or contact Aoife if you have any queries about the Going for Growth or Continuing the Momentum Program or Aoife’s Services by email at [email protected], or see her on-line products at or the full range of services at


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