Local Sinn Féin Deputy implores support for rural communities motion

Constituent Sinn Féin Deputy, Sorca Clarke, has called on her fellow public representatives to support her party’s motion in the Dáil to stand up for rural communities and ensure they receive fair and balanced investment from government.

The motion calls on the government to introduce a statutory requirement for all government departments and public bodies to undertake rural impact assessments on their work; provide clarity on all projects in the National Development Plan, including funding and timescales and commit to delivering the Western Rail Corridor, a National Aviation Policy and key public transport policies

“People living in towns, villages and rural communities have been dismissed by government for far too long. It’s time for rural Ireland to get the support it needs to thrive and reach its full potential.

“The National Development Plan was announced last month with glossy brochures and slick press conferences, but as is so often the case with this government, it has amounted to little more than a PR exercise which will not provide the investment our regions desperately need.

“Not only did it fail to help our towns, villages and rural communities, it actually rolled back on many previous commitments.

“Several road projects outlined in the National Development Plan have had their completion dates removed including 2 in this constituency, the N4 Mullingar to Longford and N52 Tullamore to Kilbeggan. There is now significant doubt about a number of road projects which are stated to be subject to approval. The failure to include a Western Rail Corridor was a missed opportunity.

“This government has no vision for our towns, villages and rural communities. Their lack of commitment to balanced investment is clear for all to see in the National Development Plan.

“Sinn Féin is bringing this motion to stand up for our towns, villages and rural communities to ensure fair investment.

“As we know in Longford Westmeath, rural Ireland can be an incredible place to live, work and to raise a family but it needs to be given the supports necessary to thrive. The National Development Plan was scant on detail and void of ambition. It exposed how this government is out of touch, out of ideas and out of time.

“Sinn Féin’s motion is calling for fair, balanced development which means that rural Ireland is no longer left behind by this out of touch government. It is calling for clarity on the National Development Plan’s projects.

“It is long overdue that towns, villages and communities should have their fair share of investment and opportunities. Sinn Féin will stand up for our towns, villages and rural communities to ensure their voice is heard,” Teachta Clarke asserted.

Ambulance Services need urgent support

Meanwhile, Teachta Clarke has called on fellow public representatives to support the ambulance service and back the party’s motion in the Dáil this week.

The motion would deliver an urgent review of ambulance resources, to ensure it is properly funded and has enough staff.

“Sinn Féin’s motion stands up for staff, stands up for patients and supports our ambulance service to do their important work.

“It would deliver an urgent review of ambulance resources, to ensure it is properly funded and has enough staff.

“Ambulance workers are burnt out from long, exhausting shifts. We know here in Westmeath how hard ambulance staff work and the invaluable work that they do to care for our community.

“We also know that far too often patients are left waiting far too long for medical help. Here in Longford Westmeath we all know people who have been left waiting in pain for far too long, causing them huge stress and upset. This is not the fault of ambulance staff, but those who have failed to invest in the services. It’s clear that emergency services are at crisis point.

“These issues have been going on for far too long. The government has failed to act time and time again, while this crisis has only worsened. It’s clear that we need an urgent review of ambulance resources.

“We need to expand our ambulance fleet and ensure that rural communities are properly served. We need to increase hospital capacity to avoid patients being left waiting in ambulances.

“Sinn Féin will stand up for our ambulance services to ensure staff and patients get the support and care they need. I am calling on all TDs in Westmeath to back our motion to stand up for our ambulance services,” Teachta Clarke concluded.


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