Moate Action Group look to future with completion of community projects

Community centred, the Moate Action Group addresses the regeneration of Moate town through social, economic, environmental, and built form.

The group are primarily focused on creating solutions, continuing to work at the forefront of local issues with an insight into the challenges and opportunities facing the evolving community.

Moate, like many other small rural towns, is facing many social and economic challenges. The town has experienced shop closures, the loss of two banks, the closure of industries, the closure of commercial premises and the loss of passing trade with the bypass. Retail habits have changed in recent years which has had a detrimental effect on local business.

However, Moate also has experienced much growth with the Heritage Park, the Greenway and Tuar Ard , Moate Action Group’s aim being to enhance the benefit of these assets for a strong and supportive community.

Projects for completion in 2021

Peatlands Community Enhancement Scheme

This project will be carried on the ‘Old Rail Trail,’ and will focus on the natural heritage of Ballinderry/Ballinagrainne bog (NHA )2 km east of Moate and Carn Park (SAC ) 5 km west.

A secondary focus will be on the built heritage and history in the surrounding area.

Moate Action Group has engaged an archaeologist, environmentalist, a NPW Ranger and a geologist and will also be assisted by the Westmeath County Council Heritage and Tourism officers.

The proceedings will be recorded, information signs will be erected and a one-day seminar will be held during which the results will be presented. The proceedings will be recorded, and a booklet will be published.

Heritage Trail and Promotion Project

The overall cost of this project is €34,900.00

The grant approved is €27,500 with matching funding of 25 percent for the project required.

The projects involve plaques, information signs, street signs and direction signs with an historical theme. Sign design will be consistent with existent signs in the public realm and as agreed with Westmeath County Council

Westmeath County Council has agreed to erect the signs with Irish translation required.

An important part of this project will include promotional material presented as information to attract targeted businesses to the town.

The Harbour Project – Phase 2

Phase 1 of this project included tree felling and scrub clearance and opening views of one of the first Quaker houses built in Moate. A new wall was also constructed.

Phase 2 of the project consists of the erection of 50 metres of railing on the new wall and refurbishing an antique gate.

Phase 3 provides for the future erection of a sculpture, seating and lighting and access via stepped approach to the Cloghatanny River.

Phase 4 is to secure the undergrounding of overhead cables in the area which is the centre of the ’Quaker Village’.

‘Cois Locha’ Project

This area at the foot of the Lake in the Amenity Park and running parallel to the Knockdomney road will form part of a Linear Park will link the Peatland project with other existing and proposed projects along the Greenway.

The main work commenced in September 2021 and inludes all native tree planting with several apple trees within the area, A shelter, the removal of ash trees affected by die back disease and tourist information signs. Westmeath County Council is providing finance for this project.

• Projects for 2022

Linear Park

This project involves the enhancement of the ‘Old Rail Trail’ (Greenway ) east and west of Moate and to attract business to the town.

Town Centre Management (TCM )

This is the main over-arching project. The Desk Studies for the different parts of the TCM have been completed and are being added to in what is an interactive process.

A Scoping Brief for the implementation of the strategies, goals and objectives necessary for the TCM concept is following the above Desk Study process.

Shop front Study

This is particularly important regarding the Architectural Conservation Area status of the Main Street of Moate as outlined in the Westmeath Development Plan.

Traffic Management Study

This will be carried out with reference to the Town Centre Management project as above.

Marketing Strategy

This strategy will be carried out with reference to the Town Centre Management project as above.

Planning Audit

Will be carried out with reference to the Town Centre Management project as above.

The overall TCM project will be carried out project by project over the next two-year period and will need the support of Local and National Government. We will in the meantime continue to source finance from EU. Private sources and fundraising.

Moate Action Group, through the Community Office works with Westmeath County Council and a variety of local groups for the good of the town.


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