Youth Work Ireland Midlands to host series of Westmeath roadshows

Youth Work Ireland Midlands (YWIM ) are planning a roadshows for September and October to reinvigorate youth club membership in Westmeath.

The title of the event is ‘Get Back Clubbing – Join a Youth Club’, the idea of the event being an invitation to the local public to come and see what youth clubs are available within the region.

The event will showcase youth clubs and give an opportunity for the public to get information on clubs and enrol in clubs. The event will act as a focal point for advertising for youth clubs to get new members and volunteer helpers using social media, local press and radio.

Each club participating will have a table to use for enrolling new members and volunteer helpers. Clubs can conduct demonstrations, display what they do , display equipment and what they produced during the past year. Light food and refreshment will be provided free of charge. The event is open for all youth clubs in the locality to participate.

The benefits of joining a youth club

Youth groups have been part of the fabric of many communities for decades, yet, a surprisingly large number of people have never been exposed to them. It’s no surprise, therefore, that these people are unaware of the many benefits a youth group could have on their young people.

Voluntary led youth clubs are a vital part of the local community and need supports to re-open, therefore we are organising such events.

Health and Fitness

One of the most obvious benefits young people will acquire from their youth group is a good amount of healthy exercise due to the style of games that are frequently played.

In a society where young people are often not given the opportunity to participate in sport, the opportunity to get regular exercise is undoubtedly a real and important benefit, while also acquiring the ability to work in a team. Yet, not being competitive.

Specific Skills

Many youth groups offer training and activities based on specific skills, arts and crafts, computer programming, darts, drama, music and dance.

The individual skills involved in some of these activities, include many life-skills and hopefully develop or encourage a lifelong hobby/extra-curricular activity. For some young people it often develops into a career path.

A Sense of Identity

In addition to the ‘concrete’ benefits of youth clubs, young people will also benefit from the general atmosphere. Youth clubs are designed to help young people who perhaps struggle to feel part of a wider community.

Youth clubs can be great places for young people to get back on their community with renewed confidence and a real sense of well-being. Not only this, but they may well also find that they are able to make new friends and to become part of a new social group.

The relationship between the youth work – whether paid or voluntary is also of key importance to a successful youth club. Therefore the benefits a youth club can bring are very varied, ranging from the fun to the serious. It’s certainly true that children can gain many benefits from attending youth clubs!

There are many benefits to the volunteer too, including

· Gaining confidence

· Make a difference

· Meet people

· Be part of a community

· Learn new skills

· Take on a challenge

· Have fun!

If you wish to find out more about our ‘Get Back Clubbing-Join A Youth Club’ you can check out facebook page or contact Eileen McArdle on 086 3294763, email [email protected] or Faustina Monaghan on 087 2727867, email [email protected].


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