IB Fix IT providing a high standard of computer and phone repair services

Founded in 2019, IB Fix IT provide customers with a high quality standard of computer and phone repair services.

Located at 2 Payne’s Lane, in the heart of Athlone, IB Fix IT focuses upon the IT and phone repair requirements of all its customers and with an experienced and dedicated team working to accommodate all requests, the business is most certainly a one stop shop in this regard.

Included in the business services afforded to customers at IB Fix It are mobile phone unlocking, installation, maintenance and replacement of all relevant products brought into the store for assessment and repair.

The dedicated and experienced team at IB Fix IT will be happy to meet all your IT and phone repair service requirements

For further information call 0899899921 or call into IB Fix IT at 2 Payne’s Lane, Athlone, where current public health guidelines are in operation.


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