Providing clients with a wealth of financial planning advice and assurance

Athlone native Joe Dunne celebrates a twenty year career within the financial services industry

Perfecting his career within the financial services industry for twenty years, Athlone native, Joe Dunne, continues to provide expert advice to a wealth of clients with whom he has forged a strong and trusting relationship.

Presently employed with Claffey and Egan Financial Brokers with a focus on financial planning for individuals, families and companies, Joe commenced his career within the financial services industry in 2000 and has attained a vast amount of expert knowledge during this time much to the benefit of his client base.

Starting in One Direct where he swiftly gained promotion to a Team Leader role, Joe progressed to the position of self-employed tied insurance agent with Acorn Life when the opportunity presented in 2004.

"While the initial challenge presented was daunting, I worked diligently to compile a client base and once business started to grow, the company swiftly presented a list of existing clients with whom I developed strong working relationships.

"Addressing their financial protection, pensions and savings and investment needs, these client relationships allowed me to boost my customer service confidence and make my presence known within the industry. Existing clients are the lifeblood of business and must be catered for on a consistent basis.

"The provision of proficient customer service is a notable attribute in the maintenance of existing client relationships and a personal focus when I am meeting potential clients for the inaugural occasion.

"I have been advising clients along the different stages of their financial journey and it is vital that you are affording your client information that is relevant to their situation at that particular time.

"I feel very privileged to be in a position to advise individuals, families and companies with regard to their financial planning needs and it is a career which is of immense reward as you continue to grow your client relationship," Joe asserted.

Client Experiences

To that end, the importance of having appropriate financial planning in place is vital and Joe has noted the benefits of enacting policies for clients since the commencement of his profession career within the industry.

"At an early within my career as a financial adviser, I witnessed the vital importance of having appropriate financial planning in place. One of my clients sadly passed away, but the life assurance money paid out to his wife assisted in the clearance of the family mortgage and the education of their children. These children are now all employed and as I had forged a strong relationship with their parents, are now clients also.

"In recent times, one of my clients in their 40s was diagnosed with cancer and the specified illness cover which was included in his life insurance policy has afforded him financial peace of mind while he takes time off work to assist in his recovery process.

"In 2018, I was contacted to review a family’s policy. It was brought to my attention that one of the children had contracted leukaemia some ten years previously and had made a full recovery. They were unaware that they could have made a claim on their existing policy until I noted the necessary detail.

"Children's benefits are automatically covered free under the majority of financial planning policies. I assisted the family with the making of their claim and it was successfully paid out despite the illness occurring ten years previously. This just highlights the complete importance of reviewing existing policies on a regular basis.

If the clients had not contacted me to review their cover the claim would not have come to fruition. In my experience, life insurance companies want to pay claims and pay in excess of 90 percent of claims every year," Joe emphasised.

Current Position

Since 2012, I have been employed with Claffey and Egan Financial Brokers. Located in Ballinahown, the brokerage was established in 2010 Vinny Claffey and Finbarr Egan and boasts a staff of 18 employees with in excess of 200 years combined service within the financial services industry.

"This experience is extremely valuable and there is an immense support network within the company. A positive atmosphere pervades with the motivating aims of maintaining and enhancing our existing client relationships and growing the business into the future.

"We have a fantastic administration support staff in the office and they are a great help from a professional perspective. Claffey and Egan Brokers have in excess of €80 million of assets under management, comprising of clients pension and investment monies.

"The brokerage has been nominated for the best brokerage in Leinster (ex-Dublin ) on four occasions in the industry Life Pension and Investment (LPI ) awards with access to all the leading life, pension and investment companies in the market today.

"I found working as tied agent very restricted and after the Financial Crisis in 2008 I knew I had to offer my clients full access to the market.

"I also wanted to offer my clients income protection, a product in which I wholly believe. I needed to offer the best prices and products that are available.

"Protection products are continuously evolving and life companies are very innovative with the launch of new products and enhancements now a regular occurrence," Joe stated.

As the pandemic persists, Joe has noted that individuals and families are taking time to reflect and reviewing their financial planning requirements on a more regular basis.

"I have witnessed an increase in people enquiring with regard to life insurance, income protection, savings and children’s education planning. Some individuals with whom I have spoken have noted it difficult to survive financially during these past months so the need for protection and financial planning is a factor in many individual's thoughts at this moment.

"Data obtained from the Central Statistics Office states that only six in ten Irish workers have some form of private pension savings so the need for financial advice is going to be very important as the coming years approach.

"I’m a fully qualified financial adviser (QFA ) and have qualified for the prestigious Million Dollar Round table (MDRT ) on several occasions.

"MDRT is the premier association of financial professionals and represents the top one percent of financial advisers in the world. Upon reflection, qualifying for MDRT is an achievement of which I am immensely proud," Joe enthused.

Personal Support

Joe afforded due gratitude to the consistent support afforded to him during his years working within the financial services industry.

"I wish to thank my wife Karen, my family and friends for their truly fantastic support this past two decades.

"To my clients, with whom I have formed strong professional relationships this past two decades, I continue to be grateful for you support and trust. My philosophy has been and will continue to be the provision of honest and straightforward financial planning advice, it is a source of immense satisfaction to assist clients with their financial planning requirements and I look forward to furthering my career within the industry in the coming years," Joe concluded.

Financial Services Provided

•Income Protection

•Life Insurance

•Mortgage Protection

•Specified illness cover

•Business Protection


•Savings and Investments

Contact Details

To avail of expert financial planning advice today, email [email protected], call 086-0884217 or log onto Vin Fin Ltd t/a Claffey & Egan Financial Brokers is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.


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