Buccaneers RFC host fundraising event for voluntary organisations

Buccaneers RFC members are undertaking a ‘WALK, RUN, CYCLE’ during the month of July to raise dearly needed funds for both the club and the South Westmeath Hospice.

Both organisations have suffered significant losses of revenue due to the COVID-19 lockdown and the rugby club is calling on members to assist them in this fund-raising drive which commenced on Wednesday, July 1, and will continue until the end of the month.

Lady members, Judy Dowling and Geraldine Kenny, are spear-heading this laudable effort and they are urging club members and their families to support the event. The target collective distance is 2,986 kilometres, equal to the mileage travelled by Buccaneers Senior team in a season to away fixtures against the other clubs in Division 2A of the All-Ireland League.

With all income streams and fund-raising events ceased due to the current pandemic, both the club and the hospice have rarely had greater need for financial support. The funds raised will be divided evenly between South Westmeath Hospice (which provides best practice palliative care and support for patients and their families, both at home and in the hospice unit ) and Buccaneers RFC.

A ‘GOFUNDME’ page has been set up to which donations can be made at https://www.gofundme.com/rspj3x.

So please put your Buccs shirt on and get out and about, track your distance or activity and tag Buccs on social media or text 0861732711 with it along with your name. Don’t forget a selfie and also tag your friends!

All support and sponsorship will be greatly appreciated by both voluntary organisations.


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