Recently born kitten fortunately rescued from very busy Athlone road

A six week old kitten was rescued after being miraculously spotted cowering in the grass on the side of a busy road.

ISPCA Inspector Karen Lyons was returning to the National Animal Centre after investigating a another call when she spotted the little kitten under the dual carriageway near Coosan, Athlone.

Inspector Lyons pulled over to secure the kitten as she was concerned for its safety near such a busy road.

“I had to act quickly as the kitten was cowering in the grass and about to cross the busy road, which was too dangerous for any animal. Once the kitten was secured, I observed the area for a while but there was no sign of any other kittens or its mother. It is unclear if the kitten was wandering or was abandoned. There was no obvious sign of injury and it appeared healthy so I took it with me to the ISPCA National Animal Centre in Longford for further veterinary assessment at,” Inspector Lyons remarked.

The kitten, named Marvin is doing well and is currently being fostered by an ISPCA carer.

“It was pure luck I spotted the kitten as I was driving past as I would have feared for its safety if he attempted to cross the road. Once he is a little older, we will be appealing for a new loving home if we are unable to locate his owner,” the Inspector added.

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