Green Party candidate asserts the urgent need to protect trees

Green Party General Election candidate in Longford/Westmeath constituency, Cllr. Louise Heavin, has spoken of the urgent need to protect trees in the Athlone environs following recent incidents during which pertinent damage was suffered as a result of trimming.

The Dáil Éireann aspirant addressed her local authority colleagues with regard to the issue during the monthly meeting of the Athlone Moate Municipal District on Monday afternoon.

“The plan involves the Athlone Municipal District collaborating with the parks section of Westmeath County Council to carry out a comprehensive survey of all mature trees in towns and villages, with a view to scheduling a winter and spring pruning programme as well as identifying locations that would be suitable for an ambitious tree planting project, which would include both fruit trees and orchards. The desire is to help enhance the area’s biodiversity, help tackle climate change as well as create urban amenity woodlands with the inclusion and participation of local communities,” Cllr. Heavin remarked.

With her thoughts in mind, Cllr. Heavin took time out from her General Election campaign to plant a silver birch, as well as a selection of willows, with the help of fellow Green Party members. Placed along Athlone’s Golden Mile this was part of her attempts to offset the carbon emissions created in the build up to the election.


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