Naughten welcomes Drum graveyard plans

South Roscommon councillor John Naughten has welcomed the publication of the plans for the extension to Drum graveyard.

“The publication of the Part 8 for Drum graveyard is most welcome. The plans outline the new design layout for the extension and all associated works at the graveyard,” said Cllr Naughton.

The plans are currently available for viewing in the courthouse in Roscommon town and also at Roscommon County Council area offices in Monksland, South Roscommon.

“It is now open to people to make submissions or observations on the design displayed. Submissions can be made up to September 16 2008.

“This extension has been long awaited by the people of the area and is much needed. The publication of the design will hopefully mean the project will progress rapidly from here,” he said.


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