Improved regulation signage a necessity at Coosan Point

A call for improved signage at Coosan Point displaying the bye laws regarding anti-social behaviour and jet ski usage was broached at the Athlone Moate Municipal District.

Raising the issue, Cllr. John Dolan noted his surprise that there was not the appropriate signage in place at the popular amenity.

“With regard to jet ski usage I am aware that these come close to the shore when there are families with children enjoying the amenity during this spell of good weather. There is also an element of anti-social behaviour with drink being consumed in Coosan Point, drink which has not been purchased from the pub at the location.

“In this regard, there is a need to erect a large sign informing the public of the appropriate bye laws pertaining to the Coosan Point amenity. As a Municipal District maybe we should write to the Gardai in this regard,” Cllr. Dolan emphasised.

Supporting the motion, Cllr. Aengus O’Rourke, noted that the lakes and rivers were precious commodities and should be treated as so.

“In the absence of order, problems will occur and we should do our utmost to prevent such occurrences,” Cllr. O’Rourke commented.

District Engineer, Pat Nally, confirmed to the elected representatives present that large signage detailing the amenity regulations was previously erected in 2016, adding that such scenarios were a matter for Waterways Ireland as the amenity was excluded from Council control.

“However, we can revisit the signage issue and see if it can be more effective from a size point of view,” the District Engineer stated.


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