Moate Nursing Home launch end of life care vision

Residents and staff at Moate Nursing Home officially launched their end-of-life care vision on Tuesday afternoon.

The project is a central part of their work with CEOL (Compassionate End of Life ), a programme run by the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF ). CEOL is a quality improvement programme for residential care centres (RCCs ) and nursing homes across Ireland. It enables staff to deliver compassionate, person-centred end-of-life care to residents, their family members and staff. CEOL provides a framework for staff to review, reflect on and enhance the end-of-life and bereavement care they provide.

Moate, which is part of Mowlam Healthcare, began working on CEOL in April 2018 when they participated in the first of three programme workshops. It was evident from the beginning there was a very person-centred approach to care in Moate Nursing Home and CEOL presented an opportunity for staff to develop this further with an even more focussed approach to end-of-life care.

Director of Nursing, Kay Kennedy was instrumental in ensuring CEOL was delivered in the County Westmeath nursing home along with Moate CEOL coordinators Jaya Ninan and Caroline Sheehan. The entire Moate CEOL Group was keen, from the start, that the residents would be included in developing the end-of-life care vision.

“We are very proud to be part of the national CEOL programme. Our CEOL group consists of a group of multi-disciplinary staff members. While we already had good end-of-life care practices in the nursing home supported by various policies and procedures, our participation in the programme has empowered us to further develop our skills to enhance our end-of life care. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Kay Kennedy and Mowlam management for being so supportive in implementing the programme. Also, I would like to express sincere gratitude to all the staff of Moate Nursing Home, the residents and relatives for being part of this journey of change,” Jaya Ninan, Clinical Nurse Manager, Moate Nursing Home, remarked.

Every year over 7,500 people in Ireland die in nursing homes and residential care centres. CEOL, launched in 2017, embeds a continuous quality improvement approach in individual nursing homes and is built around the needs of the individual, with the resident always at the heart of every decision.

For more information about CEOL, go here.


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