Penneys to get €9m extension

The west end of Mullingar will soon be on the receiving end of a minor facelift after the county council granted planning permission for an extension of the Penneys shopping centre on the Fair Green.

Habbingley Ltd, with an address in Navan, is behind this €9m development which will see an additional 14 retail units added to the premises in two storeys.

Also planned is a medical centre, offices, a cafe and 207 underground car parking spaces.

In total, there will be an additional 16,715 sqm of floor space added in the 2.41ha project.

A new entrance will be added from the open space on the town side of Columb Barracks.

Further west, Sean Flanagan has been given the go-ahead to build 59 houses on Cloonlara estate in Grange.

This a revised figure, down from the originally planned 64, and will see more semi-detached houses built instead of the terraced units initially designed.

In town, Tony Doran will build 22 various housing units on a site between the canal and Millmount Road, after his application was accepted by the planning department this week.

Another addition to the town will be in the Springfield estate, after Alma Greene was given the green light to convert No 8 in the estate into a hair salon and beauty parlour.

The only refusal of note issued this week was to Paddy Keogh after he was told to remove his Wines Direct advertising hoarding from alongside the Castlepollard road.

The only other movement in the files of this now quieter department are two notable developments in the south of the county.

In Moate, Seamus Cullinane and Tom Allen have been given permission to renovate the old post office on the Main Street, a project that will see 770 sqm of offices built over 880 sqm of retail space.

An Taisce watchers can sleep easy as one of the conditions of the build is that the historic and protected facade must be retained.

Ten miles further west, expansion plans at the Institute of Technology has seen it seek permission for a 300 sqm extension to house a mechanics training unit on the south west corner of its Trades Centre building.


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