Positive reaction to investment at Athlone Regional Sports Centre

With news that Athlone Regional Sports Centre is to be significantly enhanced next year with the development of an outdoor fitness park and the resurfacing of the existing astro turf pitch, reaction to the facility investment has been extremely positive amongst the town’s elected representatives.

Speaking at the monthly meeting of the Municipal District, Cllr. Aengus O’Rourke, noted that this was yet another “good news story for the town.”

“Improving the level of service to the community is essential and our faith in the sports centre has been returned ten fold since the facility initially opened its doors. There is an immense feeling of positivity when we speak about the manner in which the sports centre operates, with a wholly professional, reliable and loyal team in place,” Cllr. O’Rourke remarked.

Complimenting the Regional Sports Centre manager for his endeavours, Cllr. John Dolan commented that it was testament to the management and staff within the facility that the venue was performing to its maximum capacity.

“It is fantastic to see the centre expanding to incorporate an outdoor fitness park which will attract further visitors to the facility. We now have a serious product to offer at the sports centre and this development will most dedinitely enhance what the town of Athlone has to offer as a whole.

“There is good opportunity also for further income when the astro turf is relaid and this will appeal to the local sporting clubs across the wider Midlands region,” Cllr. Dolan enthused.

Cllr. Ailish McManus echoed similar sentiments acknowledging the imminent “fantastic expansion” and hoped that the outdoor fitness park would be all inclusive for those with disabilities.

Querying if the swimming pool would now be expanded to fifty metres in length, Cllr. Paul Hogan expressed his gratitude to Centre Manager, Liam Cunningham, for an informative and detailed presentation and pondered if there was plans to extend to the existing building as part of future developments at the facility.


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