Garda and school liaison groups address issues at local meeting

A cohesive and informative meeting, the purpose of which is to improve Gardai and school liaison and to make plans for improved Garda-student interactions going forward, was recently held.

Superintendent Shane Cummins chaired this meeting and representatives of all secondary schools in the Athlone District were in attendance and a broad discussion was held encompassing issues common to both Gardai and school staff. St. Chiairain's, Drum, Athlone was included in this meeting as many of the young persons attending there are living in Athlone.

A liaison Garda was assigned to each school and a more proactive stance is expected in the future where all present agreed that Gardai should be more visible in the schools. A number of topics will be address by the liaison Gardai such as substance abuse, knife crime and social media among them.

Concerns about the Greenway and recent anti-social behaviour taking place was addressed and it was clarified that a number of arrests have been made recently and increased patrols have had a positive effect and more arrests are expected.


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