Westmeath County Council truly committed to building communities

Westmeath County Council, in advancing its plans to build 497 new housing units by the end of 2021, is focusing on the construction of small to medium sized developments.

A primary philosophy of our housing design team is not about just building houses but is about building sustainable communities. In addition to the construction of houses, the Council has also provided community facilities in many of its development such as community houses, playgrounds and playing pitches.

Westmeath County Council currently manages 2,776 tenancies in the county. The Council has two dedicated Housing Liaison Officers (HLOs ) to deal with issues which invariably arise. HLOs also provide tenancy training to new tenants and outline the terms of the tenancy and the need to comply with the requirements of the tenant’s handbook.

HLOs are also a point of contact for residents groups/associations in Council estates. The Council continues to provide assistance to many of its residents groups to assist in the upkeep of their area, be it through grants or assistance in the purchase of machinery.

Westmeath County Council, in cooperation with the HSE and other relevant statutory, community and voluntary agencies, provides a range of services for individuals and families who become homeless. Services include emergency accommodation in the event of no alternative accommodation, as well as preventative services such as tenancy support and resettlement services for those in need of support in the home if in danger of being made homeless.

It is important for all those who are fearful of losing their current accommodation, or who have no accommodation in the first instance, to present to Westmeath County Council’s Housing Department in Athlone, for assessment, advice and assistance.


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