Lough Ree RNLI called into weekend action

Lough Ree RNLI volunteers were called to duty over the bank holiday weekend as they helped two people whose boat had run around near Quaker Island in the North West of Lough Ree.

Late Monday night, the volunteer organisation were tasked by Malin Head Coast Guard to assist two people aboard a 30ft. motor cruiser that had run around near Quaker Island. Conditions on the lake at the time were smooth with a gentle force two southerly breeze.

The lifeboat crew were alongside the casualty vessel at 9.15pm. Having ensured the two people on board were uninjured, one of the lifeboat crew members assessed the casualty vessel to ensure she wasn’t taking on water and see if any damage had been done to the boat. They had lost steering power, so the lifeboat crew towed the boat off the rocks and into deeper water where they switched to an alongside tow to bring the two people and their boat back to Lanesboro.

Speaking this morning, Lifeboat Operations Manager, Tony McCarth emphasised, "always wear a lifejacket or buoyancy aid and carry a means of calling for help."

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