Children's Film Club continues with a timeless classic

Athlone Film Club continues its successful spring season with the heartwarming 1982 classic ET, the Extra-Terrestial on Sunday March 29 at 2.30pm in the Dean Crowe Theatre. This is a film which will appeal to children and adults alike.

Co-produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, it tells the story of Elliot (Henry Thomas ), a lonely boy who befriends a friendly alien, dubbed ET, who is stranded on Earth. Elliot and his siblings help the alien return home while attempting to keep it hidden from their mother and the Government.

The concept for ET was based on an imaginary friend Spielberg created after his parent's divorce. The film was shot from September to December 1981 in California on a budget of $10.5 million. It was released by Universal Studios to become a blockbuster, surpassing Starwars as the most financially successfully film released at that point. Critics acclaimed it as a timeless story of friendship, and many people rank it as the best science-fiction film ever made. The film was re-released in 1985 and then again in 2002 with altered special effects and additional scenes. For Spielberg ET epitomises his work.

So don't miss this timeless classic on the big screen. Children will be enthralled by the story, the characters, the special effects, and the music. Adults will be brought back on a nostalgic journey to their own childhoods. Entrance is only €3 for children, €5 for adults, and members are free. For more information email [email protected].


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