Beta glucans and the immune system

Beta glucans are naturally occurring in the cell walls of cereals, yeast, bacteria, and mushrooms which have historically been associated with immunity.

Beta glucans support and build a healthy and resilient immune system. Beta glucans stimulate the immune system in general to act against foreign invaders – viruses, fungi, parasites, and radiation, and also boost bone marrow production.

Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive molecules that cause oxidative damage throughout the body. Beta glucans are an effective free radical scavenger and therefore antioxidant.

Beta glucans have been shown to help reduce the amount of antibiotics needed to cope with infection, and were successfully used in trials against several different bacteria and viruses, including E coli and the herpes virus. Upper respiratory infections (URTs ) are typically caused by viruses with the most common being rhinovirus (the common cold ) or influenza. A number of studies suggest daily use of beta glucans to help reduce the risk of URTs.

Beta glucans have been shown to have an anti-fungal effect, despite being derived from yeast, and are therefore useful in the fight against candida.

Beta glucans are available in capsules and in a very bio-available liquid form from Dr. Wolz.

Zell Oxygen Immunokomplex is a preparation with a high proportion of beta glucans, enzymes, co-enzymes, amino acids, trace elements, phytochemicals, vitamins B6 and B12, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D3. This may help those whose body defences have been weakened by physical or emotional stress such as recurrent infections. Zell Oxygen Immunokomplex is also recommended for colds, flu (including swine flu ), allergies, ear infections, fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, candida, and those feeling ‘burnt out’.

Dr. Wolz also have a probiotic powder for children which also contains beta glucans, vitamins, and minerals and is suitable from age two.

For further information contact Susan in Au Naturel, Irishtown, Athlone on (090 ) 6487993.


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