Basic rules to guide you in decorating your home

Some people have great taste when it comes to picking single bits and pieces, but it is a whole new skill to put them together in an attractive way in your home.

One thing you have to remember is to keep the right proportion and scale. You have to be aware of how the pieces in your room relate to the size of the room they are in, as well as how they relate to each other in terms of size.

This is not as difficult as it might sound. Most people probably realise that placing a huge TV set in a tiny room will create an imbalance, for example. It is all about paying attention and making conscious choices.

Creating an even ambience is all about balance. Balance can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. An example of the former would be something that is displayed like a mirror image, for example, a vase placed on top of a fireplace, right in the centre, and two identical candlesticks situated to either side of it. Asymmetrical balance could be demonstrated by two different cushions placed on both ends of your sofa.

Although the cushions are of different designs and colours, as long as they are of similar size and weight they will balance each other out. If you want to keep a good balance and have quite a few heavy objects you want to place in the room, have them surround the place rather than grouped together in one spot.

Contrast should also feature in your interior decorating adventure. The items in your room can vary in colour, pattern and size, so long as they maintain the same style. This will introduce contrast to the room and contrast, when properly applied, will give you an attractive, fascinating interior. Remember, keeping everything in exactly the same design and colour will not guarantee you a stylish dwelling, and could look dull and uninspiring.

Harmony is something you should also strive for when decorating your house. A harmonious room will be completed once the rules of scale, balance, contrast, and rhythm are carefully followed. A harmonious room should contain equipment and other elements that relate to one another within an interior decorating scheme. Pattern and texture are one more factor to consider. Remember to enjoy the journey along the way; interior decorating can be fun.


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