Search Results for 'regional development manager'
4 results found.
Research shows massive potential of west’s creative sector
Innovative research commissioned by the Western Development Commission and carried out by researchers at NUI, Galway has highlighted the potential for a doubling of the workforce employed in the creative sector over the next 10 years.
The Soap Box – A regular column in which readers tell us about what matters to them....

More than 520 people died through suicide in Ireland in 2009 — that is more than one person each day — and the numbers continue to increase. For the families and friends of the victim the impact is devastating. Each year, another 12,000 people have presented at hospital A&E departments having engaged in acts of deliberate self-harm or attempted suicide.More people die through suicide than on our roads. The budget to fund the Road Traffic Authority to reduce road traffic deaths is €40 million. The total Government budget for suicide prevention is only €5 million.
Wine and dine at Oranmore Castle and raise funds for suicide bereaved charity
Oranmore Castle will host an evening of food, wine and entertainment on Friday July 16 at 7.30pm in aid of Console, the charity for the suicide bereaved.
Bag pack at Dunnes Stores and help charity for suicide bereaved
Console, the organisation for the suicide bereaved, is appealing to the public to support its bag packing fundraiser at all Dunnes Stores’ grocery outlets at the end of the month.