Search Results for 'potential disorders'

9 results found.

A dream body in just four weeks

A dream body in four weeks may sound far-fetched but it is actually possible to lose between 10 and 15 pounds over the course of four weeks, with a sensible food plan and the right help, support, and advice. The trick is to stop the procrastination and take action — today.

A dream body in just four weeks

A dream body in four weeks may sound far-fetched but it is actually possible to lose between 10 and 15 pounds over the course of four weeks, with a sensible food plan and the right help, support, and advice. The trick is to stop the procrastination and take action today.

Follow a weight loss programme that really works

We all know dieting just does not work. In fact dieting causes our bodies to go into starvation mode and work to store fat, not burn it. So not only are you hungry, fatigued, and irritated but your body is working harder to hang on to and store those pounds.

Lose 10lb per month without dieting!

Yes, you can lose 10lb per month without going on an unhealthy diet or seriously depriving or starving yourself! We all know that dieting just doesn’t work in the long run; instead we yo-yo up and down and constantly battle with food. This is all about to change, thanks to Therapie Clinic, Athlone.

World’s most successful weight loss programme available at Therapie

How would you like to lose those unwanted pounds, to hit your target weight, and maintain it? How about a weight loss programme that really works, and that doesn’t involve unrealistic dieting and fasting, or living on a liquid shake or tasteless replacement food? Therapie Clinic has introduced SureSlim, an internationally acclaimed, scientifically formulated weight loss programme that has helped more than one million people worldwide lose weight successfully and improve their health.

Say no to dieting but lose weight for life!

Did you know that dieting simply doesn’t work? When you start to restrict and lower the amount of calories you consume, your body enters starvation mode, and starts to store fat and consume less energy. Lowering your calories by 25 per cent severely impacts your metabolism. It also slows down the heart, lowers body temperature, lowers blood pressure, and actually makes you feel more hungry and burn fewer calories. You also experience irritability and inability to focus. So dieting makes you grumpy and doesn’t actually work, tell us something we didn’t already know!

Say no to dieting with Therapie’s Sureslim

Did you know that dieting simply doesn’t work? When you start to restrict and lower the amount of calories you consume, your body enters starvation mode, and starts to store fat and consume less energy. Lowering your calories by 25 per cent severely impacts your metabolism. It also slows down the heart, lowers body temperature, lowers blood pressure and actually makes you feel more hungry and burn fewer calories. You also experience irritability and inability to focus. So dieting makes you grumpy and does not actually work.

New year’s resolution - lose weight?

While Christmas is a wonderful time of year, those extra calories are going to add up! Did you know that the average Christmas dinner contains 3,500 calories? What’s more, while the waistline inevitably gets bigger, blood pressure and blood sugar also increase. It’s not just vanity we need to worry about but the state of our health.

Lose weight for life — breakthrough in weight loss only at Therapie

The statistics do not lie. A sobering 51 per cent of Irish men and 32 per cent of Irish women are overweight. As a nation we are getting larger and enjoying a less than healthy relationship with food. The Christmas period of excess, however enjoyable, confounds the problem and really tips the scales in January. Did you know that for the average Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings, you will consume 3,500 calories?


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