Search Results for 'peace commissioner'

3 results found.

Higgins appointed Peace Commissioner for Galway and surrounding counties

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A city councillor has been appointed Peace Commissioner to serve the city and county of Galway, as well as surrounding counties.

Museum acquires handwritten Ó Conaire letters

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An important collection of letters from the mid-1920s concerning the Irish-language writer Pádraic Ó Conaire has been kindly donated to Galway City Museum by the Galway Technical Institute on the ninetieth anniversary of the author’s death. The letters relate to Ó Conaire’s time as an Irish language teacher at Galway Technical Institute (GTI), then situated on Dominick Street.

Kevin Curran’s introduction to the oil business

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Perhaps only Ladies Day at the races causes a similar frenzy to all the upset and commotion that heralds ‘Back to School’ at the end of August or beginning of September. It is the biggest event in the social year. After the long summer holiday children are in a daze as their parents lead them, often dressed in new clothes top to toe, forward into the yard. If it is their first day at school, mum or dad will linger for a while in the classroom, intimidated by the confidence of the young múinteoir, the small tables and chairs, the 57 varieties of slippers, and the smell of pencils and paint. They leave consumed by their own memories.


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