Search Results for 'consultant microbiologist'

7 results found.

Mayo child wins HSE and Science Week competition

A pupil from Mayo was one of the competition winners of some 2,000 children from around the country who designed their own superbug posters to highlight the importance of keeping their hands clean and preventing the spread of infections. Setánta O Nuailain, a third class pupil attending Gailscoil na Cruaiche in Westport, won for his poster entitled ‘Iris the Virus’.

New mobile app will further improve appropriate antibiotic use

A new mobile app, launched at Galway University Hospitals this week, will further improve appropriate antibiotic use, according to Dr Pat Nash, the clinical director of the hospital group.

HIQA announces composition of team to investigate UHG standards after death of Savita Halappanavar

HIQA has announced the composition of the panel who will investigate standards and services at University Hospital Galway following the death of Savita Halappanavar.

New campaign highlights that antibiotics are ineffective for colds and flus

The HSE have launched their annual antibiotic awareness campaign, and the ads are now running on national and local radio stations highlighting the fact that it is pointless taking antibiotics for cold and flus.

Drop in number of MRSA cases at Galway hospitals

The number of cases of MRSA infection at Galway University Hospitals [University Hospital Galway and Merlin Park Hospital] has dropped - 10 patients with MRSA bloodstream infections were treated at the city’s public hospitals in the first six months of this year.

Reduce inappropriate antibiotic use or risk squandering important medical advance, warns consultant

A local expert has warned that unless the public takes steps to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use we risk squandering one of the most important medical advances of the past 100 years.

Only use antibiotics when necessary, urges health chief

A local health specialist is urging people to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use. Otherwise we risk squandering one of the most important medical advances of the past 100 years, he warns.


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