Mayo child wins HSE and Science Week competition

A pupil from Mayo was one of the competition winners of some 2,000 children from around the country who designed their own superbug posters to highlight the importance of keeping their hands clean and preventing the spread of infections. Setánta O Nuailain, a third class pupil attending Gailscoil na Cruaiche in Westport, won for his poster entitled ‘Iris the Virus’.

The HSE sponsored competition took place as part of Science Foundation Ireland’s Science Week 2014, and to promote, an EU wide educational tool provided free, through the HSE, for classroom and home use. e-Bug makes learning about microbes and the spread, prevention, and treatment of infection, fun and accessible for all students, said Dr Robert Cunney, consultant microbiologist with the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre and Irish lead on the e-bug project.


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