Search Results for 'Whitaker Institute'

6 results found.

City and county councils launch Economic Baseline Study

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The new Economic Baseline Study, produced for Galway city and county, will be "invaluable over the coming months" to both the Galway city and county councils as they "set down the future direction for economic development" across Galway. 

Belgian professor delivers free master classes on open innovation

A leading Belgian professor will host a lecture and masterclasses on open innovation this week.

NUI Galway study shows migrant children have less chance of college

Children of non-migrant parents have a significant advantage over children of migrant parents when it comes to educational achoievement and ambition, a major study undertaken at NUI Galway has revealed. In the study, the Population and Migration research cluster at the Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway has identified an emerging achievement gap between young migrants and their non-migrant peers, which will result in a significant under-representation in third-level institutions.

Audio visual sector worth €72m a year to Galway

A conference held in the city this week has illustrated that the audio visual sector added €72m to the economy of County Galway alone in 2012, employing over 600 people

Volvo Ocean Race was worth €60 million to city, report finds

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A new report from the JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway reveals that the Volvo Ocean Race Finale (VOR) which took place in Galway city earlier this year, having hosted a stopover for the Race in 2009, was worth €60.5 million to the Irish economy. More than 500,000 visitors attended events during the festival period from June 30 to July 8 2012, with 16 per cent of those coming from outside of Ireland.

NUIG to take lead role in new project to support creative industries

A major new project which seeks to build the creative industries across Ireland and Northern Europe, will be launched today in NUI, Galway.


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