Search Results for 'Whale'
6 results found.
GMIT and Marine Institute study shows pollutants in stranded killer whales
Killer whales are an iconic species in the world’s oceans. They are also at the top of the food chain and able to concentrate persistent pollutants to very high levels, a new study carried out by GMIT and the Marine Institute shows.
Want to go whale watching next weekend?

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group invites you to join them for a land-based whale watch at a local headland between 2:00-5:00 pm on Saturday 24th August.
Giant whale prompts unusual tourism idea
The 20 metre whale beached at Keel, Achill, over Christmas has prompted some calls for a new tourism attraction focused on the region’s whale history.
Fin-tastic time to be had as Marine Wildlife Roadshow hits town
Want to come face to face with a 15 metre sperm whale, hug a porpoise, see life sized models of whales, dolphins, seals, a turtle, and even a shark? Well now is your chance as Galway is set to welcome the Marine Wildlife Roadshow as well as being the venue for two important events dedicated to the conservation of whales and dolphins.
GMIT and IWDG to host annual conference of European Cetacean Society
More than 500 marine mammal biologists from around the world will gather in Galway in the coming days for the 26th annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, hosted this year by Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWD).
Wild and Wonderful
Whale watchers and would-be whale watchers all over the country will have been inspired and excited by the news of the sighting of a blue whale in Irish waters a couple of weeks ago. The initial observation—the first recorded and confirmed sighting of a blue whale in Irish waters for at least 20 years—was made during a tuna fishing trip off the coast of Kerry, and there were two further sightings in the following few days.