Search Results for 'Ted Hughes'
16 results found.
A poet at Claregalway castle

Once upon a time, when a renowned bardic poet visited the castle a sort of hysteria broke out. Women ran to the kitchens to prepare hogs and stuffings for a great feast. Banners and flags were flown from the battlements. Musicians urgently practiced new songs in his praise. Tavern keepers rolled in their best barrels of beer and wine, and weapons were nosily discarded. All prisoners and lunatics were released. Fathers were invited to bring to the fore their young daughters, so that they may be admired!
Letter from Ted Hughes to Assia’s sister, Celia Chaikin, April 14 1969

Dear Celia, I should have written to you long ago but I’ve felt so absolutely smashed and not capable of talking to any one about what happened (three weeks earlier, her sister Assia had gassed herself, with her four-year-old daughter, Shura,). Your letter was a lot of support to me. I always liked you in your letters, and in what Assia told me about you, and you said just what was needed.
Letter from Ted Hughes to his brother Gerald, April 1966

This place is a mild paradise for me at present. We moved yesterday, from our sumptuous home, to a much older, wilder place - £2 a week, a house annexed to a big farm (big for this region) at the top of Cleggan bay - right on the west coast.
Letter from Ted Hughes to Sylvia Plath’s mother, Aurelia, March 15, 1963

Dear Aurelia, It has not been possible for me to write this letter before now...
Letter to Sylvia Plath from Ted Hughes (March 1956)

Sylvia, That night was nothing but getting to know how smooth your body is. The memory of it goes through me like brandy. If you do not come to London to me, I shall come to Cambridge to you. I shall be in London, here, until the 14th. Enjoy Paris...Ted. And bring back brandy. Two bottles.
‘I saved myself from being bullied with the plays I wrote’

GALWAY HAS been enriched with many artistic immigrants down the years and among their number is Swedish playwright and translator Ann Henning Jocelyn.
Theatre 2015 – Galway companies

DECEMBER 30, and as 2014 makes its valedictory bow, and takes its final curtain call, before tomorrow exiting the stage - to appreciative applause, naturally - while bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 2015 waits in the wings for its turn in the limelight.
Ted Hughes - the Galway connection

TED HUGHES, the English poet regarded as one of the greatest of the post-war era, will be celebrated at an event in County Galway.
A score of Galway Stories from Doire Press

NEXT WEEK, with Galway hosting authors from all over the world as part of Cúirt, the city itself and its own writers are showcased in a fine new anthology from Doire Press, entitled Galway Stories, to be launched during the festival.
Witnesses sought after aggravated PO robbery
Gardaí are appealing for witnesses to a violent post office raid that occurred in Gowran on Tuesday morning last.