Search Results for 'Saolta University Healthcare Group'
15 results found.
Specialist menopause clinic at UHG
Sixty patients have attended a regional menopause clinic since it was set up in November of last year. The facility, which is based at University Hospital Galway, is a specialist service for women with additional needs around menopause care. Women are referred to the clinic which is open one afternoon per week.
University of Galway to lead on clinical trials of the future
University of Galway has announced the establishment of Ireland’s first Institute for Clinical Trials — a development that will transform the clinical research landscape by creating an environment where scientific advances are translated into improved care for patients.
Government action needed as five thousand people leave local EDs without being assessed
A total of 5,327 people walked out of emergency departments in Galway's public hospitals last year without being assessed.
New national patient-centred research network launched at NUI Galway

PPI Ignite Network, a new national collaborative initiative putting patients at the centre of decision-making in research, has been launched at NUI Galway this week.
New elective hospital for Galway takes a step closer to reality

The new hospital for Galway this week took a step closer to becoming a reality. A preliminary business case for the hospital will be completed by the end of the month, paving the way for the project to proceed to the design, planning, and procurement stage.
Schools are leading lights in fight against Covid-19
Galway schools are playing a vital role in the fight against Covid-19 and deserve every recognition and praise, according to the chief executive of Saolta which runs the local public hospitals.
Pop-up testing centre for Galway as students flock back to the city

With thousands of students expected to arrive in Galway City over the next few days in preparation for the start of the new academic year, health authorities have said that they are looking at creating pop-up test centres in anticipation of the expected demand for tests in the coming weeks.
Millions awarded in Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund to NUI Galway teams partnering with local companies
NUI Galway researchers and company partners have been awarded over €10.3 million in Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF). The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund was established under Project Ireland 2040 and is run by the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation with administrative support from Enterprise Ireland.
TD calls for 'no further delay' in options appraisal for new Galway hospital

A call has been made for the speedy completion of the options appraisal for a new public hospital in the grounds of Merlin Park Hospital in the wake of ongoing overcrowding and escalating waiting lists at University Hospital Galway.