Search Results for 'Nicki Griffin'

5 results found.

Japanese and Irish poetry reading

AN EVENING of Japanese and Irish poetry, with Hisa Kagawa and Nicki Griffin, takes place in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop tomorrow at 8pm.

A poetry book showcase

THE 2014 Over The Edge Poetry Book Showcase takes place at the Galway Arts Centre’s Nuns’ Island Theatre on Friday February 7 at 8pm.

Over The Edge anthology launch

OVER THE EDGE, the Galway literary event which features readings by poets and authors, and gives voice to emerging writers though its open mic, is 10 years old.

Over The Edge Writers' Gathering

WRITERS FROM Ireland, Britain, and Australia will gather in Café 8 in the Galway City Museum tomorrow at 8pm for an Over The Edge reading.

Olaf Tyaransen to read at Sheridan’s

THE JOURNALIST, author, and poet Olaf Tyaransen will read from his work, at an Over The Edge event, at Sheridan’s Wine Bar, Church Yard Street, on Friday May 8 at 8pm.


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