Search Results for 'Minister of Health'
10 results found.
Galway school leavers with disabilities left in limbo due to funding cuts
Concerned parents of school leavers with disabilities are urging local politicians to support their call for the reversal of a Government decision to cut services for these “vulnerable” children.
Mayo General Hospital found to be ‘generally clean’ in HIQA inspection
An unannounced assessment of Mayo General Hospital by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) found that the hospital is generally clean but there are some improvements to be made in t he area of hand hygiene.
Senator seeks clarity on financial support for sick children’s treatment abroad
Galway West senator Fidelma Healy Eames is to seek a meeting with the Minister for Health in the new year to examine what financial support is available for children with rare life-threatening cancers and other illnesses who may require treatment abroad or could benefit from clinical trials.
NUIG signs major biomedical research deal in China
NUI Galway continues to make its mark in research on an international stage as the university’s president Dr Jim Browne arrived in Beijing this week for the signing of a major biomedical research deal.
No tea after 8pm for new mums at St Luke’s
St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny has said that it regrets that a staff member was not available to provide a new mother with a cup of tea just after she had given birth to her baby girl this week.
No tea after 8pm for new mums at St Luke’s
St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny has said that it regrets that a staff member was not available to provide a new mother with a cup of tea just after she had given birth to her baby girl this week.
Roscommon hospital group supports INMO action
The Roscommon Hospital Action Committee has said it is “fully supportive” of the industrial action being undertaken by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation at Limerick Regional Hospital.
Tales from the Upper House
The GAA is a fine example of an organisation not afraid of change; not afraid to invest in a world class stadium; brave to modify some of their historical tenets to reflect a changed world. The club and county structure provide a fantastic means to relay back to HQ what is happening on the ground. If rules of the game need to be changed, after proposals, discussion and a vote, they are changed, the sport no less engaging. Politics should pay heed.
Fourteen treated at new sexual assault unit
The sexual assault treatment unit in Galway gave assistance to 14 people in just four months, according to figures released this week.
Mayo can overcome Royals to face Kerry — once again

After Kerry hammering the lard out of Dublin last Monday it is difficult to predict any victors now with any huge degree of confidence.