Search Results for 'Matt Carthy'
15 results found.
Rose Conway-Walsh appointed to EU committee

Belmullet-based county councillor Rose Conway-Walsh has been appointed to a special committee to represent local and regional authorities in the European Union.
Seaweed cutters fear for the future

The application by a single company, BioAtlantis Teo, for exclusive rights to cut and harvest seaweed in Clew Bay has sparked major fears among local farmers who have traditionally cut seaweed in the area. Such has been the concern to the application for 10 year exclusive rights lodged by BioAtlantis Teo a new community group the Clew Bay Seaweed Association was formed recently.
Voters urged to support anti-fish farm candidates
Candidates who have publicly opposed or raised concerns about the controversial salmon fish farm proposed for Galway Bay should be supported by voters tomorrow.
Privatising of Seaweed business concerns politicians
The sale of Arramara Teoranta to a private Canadian company, Acadian, is the first step in the privatisation of seaweed and other natural resources found along the seashore according to Sinn Féin councillor Rose Conway-Walsh. Cllr Conway-Walsh said: “The sale of this public asset jeopardises the harvesting rights of seaweed cutters and those who have used seaweed along the Mayo coast for generations. In spite of protestations from the Government that there was no intention to sell off the State-owned Arramara it is now clear that I and my colleagues, Senator Trevor O’Clochartaigh and EU candidate Matt Carthy, were correct in relaying information to constituents that background discussions were taking place to push the sale through without consultation. Erris Seaweed Action Group will continue to work with the Connemara Action Group and other communities to provide a strong cohesive voice to protect the rights of seaweed cutters and coastal communities.” Cllr Conway-Walsh concluded saying: “There is no doubt that there is great untapped potential along our coast for greater use of seaweed and for job creation by adding value to the potential harvest there. But it will only benefit our own people if that harvesting and processing is controlled by the communities living there by way of co-operatives or some similar community based approach. Sinn Féin is encouraging land owners to check their land folios to establish their harvesting rights and coastal communities to work together to ensure the rights to cut seaweed and benefits arising from processing this natural resource are held by communities using a fair trade co-operative model.”
Matt Carthy calls for community concerns to be addressed in pylon review
The Sinn Féin candidate for the Midlands Northwest European constituency, Matt Carthy, has called for the independent expert panel on pylons to listen to the voice of local residents. Speaking following the publication of the Terms of Reference of the review of the Grid West and Grid Link projects, Carthy said, “It is essential that the concerns of communities affected by pylons are addressed by the independent expert panel. Under the terms of reference, the independent expert panel will examine the potential environmental impacts, technical efficacy and cost factors in regards to placing electric transmission lines overhead or underground. However, it is disappointing to learn that the potential impacts of Electro Magnetic Fields will not be taken into consideration by the independent expert panel.”
‘Ireland took the bullet for Europe when the banks collapsed’

“Ireland took the bullet for the EU” over the collapse of the continent’s economic and banking institutions, and now “it’s pay back time”, as younger generations should not have to face a future of “austerity in perpetuity”.
EU elections - why would anyone bother?

Seeing the occasional poster of a local election candidate advertising public meetings on various issues of concern, Insider noted that, within a month’s time, towns, villages, and the countryside will be radically altered as the election poster blitz takes hold.
‘Shocking’ wait time for money advice appointment
People struggling with bills and debt and in search of help to right their personal finances are waiting more than three months for an appointment at the Mayo South office of MABS - the Money Advice and Budgeting Service.
'Shocking' wait time for money advice
People struggling with debt are waiting over three months for an appointment at the MABS - Money Advice and Budgeting Service - Mayo South office, according to new figures.