Search Results for 'Gingiva'
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GUMS presents Urinetown: The Musical

GUMS, OTHERWISE known as the Galway University Musical Society present their 17th annual show, the Tony Award-winning Urinetown: The Musical, at the Black Box Theatre from Tuesday February 7 to Saturday 11.
Good dental hygiene boosts overall health
A question often asked by dental patients is: ‘Is it really necessary to have my teeth cleaned?’
Healthy eating and nutrition for strong teeth and alveolar bone
Alveolar bone makes up the part of your jaw that surrounds each of your teeth. The connective tissue, collagen, periodontal ligaments and alveolar bone together hold each tooth in place so you can chew your food without fear of loosening or losing teeth. Nutrients from your diet affect both your alveolar bone and your teeth, and consuming specific nutrients can help maintain the heath of these tissues.
Healthy gums are a must for our overall health
Research is ongoing, but red, swollen, and bleeding gums may point to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Healthy gums are a physical barrier designed to stop bacteria entering the body. When gums are unhealthy, bacteria from the mouth may enter the bloodstream, setting off an inflammatory reaction elsewhere. Left untreated, gum disease can increase the risk of a host of diseases linked to inflammation. Certain diseases and medications may also cause problems in the mouth, which is why an annual check-up with your dentist is recommended.
Your mouth — the gateway to your body
No more than two decades ago, a physician who suspected heart disease would probably not refer the patient to a gum specialist. The same went for diabetes, pregnancy, or just about any other medical condition. However times have changed. In the past five to 10 years there has been a ballooning interest in possible links between mouth health and body health. The merging knowledge of the Western and Eastern medical sciences clearly shows the physical and the energetic link of the teeth to specific body systems and organs.
Treating gum disease
What is Gum Disease?