Your mouth — the gateway to your body

No more than two decades ago, a physician who suspected heart disease would probably not refer the patient to a gum specialist. The same went for diabetes, pregnancy, or just about any other medical condition. However times have changed. In the past five to 10 years there has been a ballooning interest in possible links between mouth health and body health. The merging knowledge of the Western and Eastern medical sciences clearly shows the physical and the energetic link of the teeth to specific body systems and organs.

Taking care of your teeth and gums goes beyond a sparkling smile. In one recent study, people with serious gum disease were 40 per cent more likely to have a chronic condition on top of it.

To understand how the mouth can affect the body, it helps to understand what can go wrong in the first place. Bacteria that build up on teeth make gums prone to infection. The immune system moves in to attack the infection and the gums become inflamed. Over time, inflammation and the chemicals it releases eat away at the gums and bone structure that hold teeth in place and continues to spread though the body.

Research shows a strong link between infected gums and increased risk of diabetes and insulin management. Untreated gum disease in pregnant women can cause premature birth. Up to 91 per cent of patients with heart disease have periodontitis, compared to 66 per cent of people with no heart disease.

At the ISHSKO Centre, Barrack Yard, Westport, gum disease is treated holistically, combining oral hygiene and gum treatment, with nutritional therapy to help identify nutritional deficiencies, and Avalon Light therapy for tissue regeneration. Book now on 098 26200.


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