Search Results for 'Galway Simon Community'
6 results found.
HP Galway supports Galway Simon
During October 2013 HP Galway run their Social Innovation Week, when the company sponsors their employees to complete volunteering work in the local community. This year Galway Simon Community was the charity chosen by HP.
Galway Simon to offer people impartial financial planning advice
Galway Simon Community has teamed up with the leading financial planners in the west of Ireland to initiate the first ‘Financial Advice Day’.
Furniture and collectibles auction for Galway Simon
A massive auction of antique, vintage, and quirky furniture and collectibles will be held in the Oslo Microbrewery, Salthill, on Saturday October 9 at 2pm.
Charity for homeless people appeals for funds

A charity which provides accommodation to more than 100 homeless single men and women is appealing to people to give generously to its appeal for funds.
Homeless charity left devastated after burglary
Staff at the Galway Simon Community were left devastated when they opened their shop and office following the bank holiday weekend to find that burglars had trashed the premises, stolen expensive laptops and even run off with a safe containing charity funds destined for the homeless.
City provides extra beds for homeless

Ten extra emergency beds have been made available for people who are homeless in Galway city over this current spell of cold weather.