Search Results for 'Flu pandemic'
50 results found.
Parents urged not to send children with flu-like symptoms to school
The HSE is urging parents not to send their children to school if they have flu-like illnesses or any of the associated symptoms, such as a high temperature, aches and pains, or a chesty cough in a bid to curtail the spread of the infection.
Should flu symptoms be treated with antivirals in primary care?
The HRB Primary Care Clinical Trials Network Ireland, based at NUI Galway, are working with researchers in Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, on the ALIC4E trial, which investigates whether the flu drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is cost effective and beneficial to patients consulting their GP’s with flu symptoms.
Get flu jab, urges HSE West public health chief
Many people in the at risk groups for flu put themselves in danger of contracting a serious illness or even death by failing to get vaccinated, the HSE West’s director of public health warned this week.
Flu vaccination service at Boots
Boots Pharmacy Athlone are delighted to be offering a Winter Flu Vaccination Service.
HSE warns one thousand people could die from flu related illnesses
People aged over 65, pregnant women and residents of nursing homes are some of the at risk group whom the HSE West is urging to get vaccinated against flu this season.
Flu vaccine now available from pharmacists
Members of the public can now receive this year's seasonal flu vaccination service from pharmacists. The service is available free of charge from pharmacists to those in an at risk group who hold a medical card. At risk groups include elderly people, pregnant women, and people with chronic illnesses.
Facing up to flu

Every winter it is one of the main topics of conversation. “I had the flu all week.” I’ve a touch of it myself, I’m all blocked up” or “My son is off school with a high temperature”.
Cinema Reviews: Contagion

THE BLACK Death of 1347 killed 25 million in Europe; smallpox in the 18th century claimed even more lives with 60 million.
Echinacea is effective against swine flu
Mayo has been swamped with cold and flu viruses so far this year as cold weather continues to take its toll on our immune systems. However a cure for the common cold and flu might just be easier than you think.
Nurses under ‘enormous’ pressure due to recruitment ban
A number of nurses at University Hospital Galway, under severe pressure from staff and bed shortages, have written to management disclaiming responsibility in the event of anything going wrong on their watch, a local nursing union representative revealed this week.