Echinacea is effective against swine flu

Mayo has been swamped with cold and flu viruses so far this year as cold weather continues to take its toll on our immune systems. However a cure for the common cold and flu might just be easier than you think.

New laboratory research has shown, for the first time, that fresh Echinacea extract is highly effective against the swine flu virus. The fresh extract of Echinacea purpurea has been found to have the ability to prevent common colds and influenza and treat them in acute cases.

An international research team, using A Vogel Echinaforce, found that fresh Echinacea has direct antiviral activity. The fresh plant extract inhibits the binding of the H1N1 virus to cells, interfering with the way the ‘flu virus enters our body’s cells. It found that Echinacea also works against viruses that have become resistant to Tamiflu.

“More and more adults across Mayo are suffering from seasonal cold and flu viruses,” says A Vogel herbal advisor, Nicola Murphy. “On average we suffer from two to three viral infections each year, making it the most common viral infection throughout Ireland and the number one reason many people call in sick to work.”

A Vogel Echinaforce (€10.50 ) and Echinacea throat spray (€12.90 ) are available from Mayo health food stores and selected pharmacies. See for details.


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