Search Results for 'Fine Gael HQ'

5 results found.

Healy-Eames to battle FG attempts to throw her out of the party

Efforts are under way to expel controversial senator Fidelma Healy-Eames from Fine Gael and force her to hand over her membership card — however the Galwegian could become a symbol for tensions within the party over the current leadership.

Mulholland to return to City Hall

John Mulholland is set to return to the Galway City Council as a councillor for the Galway City West Ward, four years after he dramatically lost his seat in the 2009 Local Elections.

ULA to protest visit of Eamon Gilmore to Galway today

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore’s visit to the city today will be greeted by the United Left Alliance Galway, who will be protesting against the Government’s austerity measures and the €1.25 billion payout to the dead bank Anglo.

FG poll shows Fianna Fáil in danger of losing second seat

Fianna Fáil is in danger of being reduced to one seat in Galway West at the next general election while Labour and Catherine Connolly look like fighting it out for the left wing seat, according to a new poll.

Fine Gael in Galway prepares for snap general election

Fine Gael in Galway is on an election footing and its party HQ is compiling a review of the Galway West constituency.


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