Search Results for 'Fianna Fáil whip'
12 results found.
Confusion in council chamber over vote on Irish Water motion
Mayo County Council took not one, but two votes on what appeared on the surface to be the same motion last Monday and ended up with two different results.
Council budget passed despite Sinn Féin opposition

The 2015 budget for Mayo County Council was passed at Monday’s reconvened budget meeting of the council after it was put to a vote twice.
Councillors fall out over mayoral pact agreement
Acrimonious and bitter allegations of “underhand” and “sneaky” behaviour has erupted between the centre-right political groups in City Hall, ahead of tomorrow’s first meeting of the new council.
Mayo County Council budget agreed with minimal changes
Following a long day of presentations and contributions, the 2013 annual budget for Mayo County Council was adopted with little fuss on Monday evening in Castlebar. The only major change to the adopted budget, which was proposed by Fine Gael whip Cllr Joe Mellett and seconded by Fianna Fáil whip Cllr Micheál McNamara from the draft one that was presented to the members, was the need to find an extra €70,000 to fund some extra projects and to make up a €40,000 shortfall in the fire service budget when the members refused to increase the call out charge for the service from €150 to €200.
Barrett stands alone on county council abortion motion
Labour Party Castlebar town councillor Harry Barrett was the only member of either Mayo County Council or Castlebar Town Council to oppose a notice of motion in relation to abortion put before both councils this week. Independent Cllr Frank Durcan who sits on both of the local authorities put forward a notice of motion to both councils stating “that the members resolve, in keeping with the will of the Irish people as emphatically expressed in the referendum of 1983, to oppose any form of legalisation of abortion under any circumstances”.
Fianna Fáil councillors express anger over new Údarás set up
Fianna Fáil whip for Mayo County Council, Cllr Michéal McNamara this week hit out at the newly slimed down Údarás na Gaeltachta. The council had an item on its agenda to nominate a member to the Údarás. The majority party in the council, Fine Gael nominated Ian McAndrew to the position.
Councillors give Knock Airport local area plan the go ahead
The Ireland West Airport Knock Local Area Plan 2012 to 2018 was given the go ahead at a special meeting of Mayo County Council last Monday. The plan had been up for adoption at the normal July monthly meeting of the council, but was postponed so some amendments to the plan could be made, following consultations between the airport management, council management, and councillors.
Treaty is a straitjacket that will bring misery, says O Cuiv

“The EU Fiscal Compact Treaty is a straitjacket that would lead to misery in our country and throughout the EU. This is not the way to solve our problems. It is against the whole spirit of the EU.”
FG councillor ‘deemed to have resigned’ from NUIG authority
The elected members of Mayo County Council were forced to vote in a new member of the local authority to sit on the governing authority of the National University of Ireland, Galway this week. The vacancy on the governing authority at the third level institution came about after the council executive received correspondence from the university which informed them that Cllr Henry Kenny who had been appointed to the authority was “deemed to have resigned his seat”.
Councillors extend best wishes to ill colleague
The members of Mayo County Council were unanimous in extending their best wishes for a speedy recovery to Fianna Fáil councillor Margaret Adams. The Westport based councillor became ill over the weekend and had to be taken to hospital.