Search Results for 'Federal Bureau of Investigation'
23 results found.
Public lecture on a Connemara communist and capitalist
Two Connemara cousins, Tom O’Flaherty and Máirtín Mór McDonogh, were political polar opposites and had widely different careers, and both are the subject of an upcoming public lecture.
Galway student pleads guilty to hacking FG website
A GMIT student and his co-accused have admitted hacking into Fine Gael’s website in the lead-up to the 2011 general election as part of a “stunt” to embarass the party.
Ó Cuív move to make FF Eurosceptic?
In every classic mob movie, whenever a Don is being buried, far back in the recesses of the cemetery you will see the raincoated FBI guys, with cameras trained on the congregation, just to see who has been flushed out for the occasion, to see who's in with who. By observing the faces in the crowd, assumptions and links can be made, and motivations mapped.
Three letters on my desk...

Last September I wrote a number of Diary entries on the wonderful reception that Galway extended to the survivors of the SS Athenia, torpedoed off the Donegal coast on September 3 1939, the very first day of the war. The ship was sunk by Fritz Julius Lemp, the commander of the U-30. The Athenia was obviously a passenger boat on its way with refugees from Europe to Canada. This wasn’t the start to the war that the German government wanted. Initially it denied that any of its submarines sank the Athenia, and suggested that it was sunk by the British on orders from Winston Churchill in the hope of getting America into the war.
Win The Guard DVDs and soundtracks

THE GUARD, the smash-hit Irish comedy/crime film starring Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheadle is released on DVD tomorrow.
The man who sank the SS Athenia

While Galway was caring for some of the survivors of the SS Athenia, torpedoed off the Donegal coast on September 3 1939, America, Britain and Canada unleashed a vitriolic attack on Germany for sinking a passenger ship. Included among her 1,418 passengers and crew were more than 300 Americans. A total of 117 people were killed, some unfortunately as they were being lifted from the sea by the rescue boats including the Knute Nelson (which had brought 430 survivors into Galway), and three British warships, the HMS Electra, HMS Fame and the HMS Escort, which had rushed to the scene. Among the dead were 28 American citizens.
Digging the dirt on Michael D — next stop for the Men in Black?
As the conspirators spit on their lands and rub them together with glee at the success of the campaign to oust David Norris esq from the presidential race, no doubt they are licking their lips at the prospect of trawling the world to find out the dirt on Michael D. Having failed to besmirch him with the notion that it was his camp that set out to shaft Norris with allegations and letters and incidents that went back ages but which were out-ed now, the focus of the Men in Black is turned westward.
Gleeson and co hit red carpet for The Guard premiere

The red carpet was well and truly rolled out and trodden at the Eye Cinema recently for the Irish premiere of The Guard with stars such as Brendan Gleeson, Pat Shortt, Liam Cunningham, and Danny O’Donoghue from The Script having a ball and chatting the night away during the glitzy after-show party in The g Hotel.
Win tickets to The Guard @ Omniplex
THE GUARD is the new Irish comedy starring the great Brendan Gleeson as Sergeant Gerry Boyle, a small-town Irish policeman.
Galway Film Fleadh programme unveiled

DETAILS OF the line-up for the 23rd Galway Film Fleadh, which runs from July 5 to 10, were revealed at the festival’s press launch in the Radisson Hotel on Tuesday evening.